
Cancel or pause anytime.

Chill Mode

$500/mo + $25/call

  • 10-days from zero to launch.
  • 15 mailboxes.
  • 4,000 leads a month.
  • Potential for 40-120 calls a month.
  • We’ll get in the right inbox, with the right message.
  • On demand AI custom workflows.
  • An elite cyborg team willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.
  • Success is guaranteed for companies with product-market fit AND/OR truly unique products or services
  • Partial success is guaranteed for companies willing to experiment and learn until we find the right angle.
  • Failure is guaranteed for companies that don’t have what it takes to compete in saturated inboxes.

Ambitious Mode

$1,000/mo + $25/call

  • 10-days from zero to launch
  • 50 mailboxes
  • 14,000 leads a month
  • Potential for 140-420 calls a month
  • We’ll get in the right inbox, with the right message
  • On demand AI custom workflows.
  • An elite cyborg team willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.
  • Success is guaranteed for companies with product-market fit AND/OR truly unique products or services
  • Partial success is guaranteed for companies willing to experiment and learn until we find the right angle.
  • Failure is guaranteed for companies that don’t have what it takes to compete in saturated inboxes.